At Casa Bella we pride ourselves on delivering excellence, which comes from our high standards of customer service, from initial enquiries, to delivery and beyond. That’s why, as much as possible, we try to deliver all our furniture personally, with our small delivery team.

From Newquay to Newquay, Manchester to Godmanchester, Southampton to Northampton, and Swindon to Swinton we do our best to cover the UK ensuring that your precious delivery is safely brought to your home.

Loaded by us, delivered by us

Service with a smile, a call before they arrive and, if you’re ready to get going with your new piece, we can take away the packaging for you, just a small example of how we're delivering excellence at Casa Bella.

Delivered to your door

Some little tips before we get to this stage, make sure you measure, double measure and think of the route. The most heartbreaking thing is when something won’t even fit into the room it’s going into!

Whatever the weather

All the measurements of our furniture can be found in the descriptions, but if you’re unsure, just ask! And if it’s more of a difficult  fit, or a set of stairs needs to be navigated, you can always arrange for a 2 man delivery.

However hard to find
Right to your Door...

Our delivery team are the eyes and ears for us out in the big wide world. So let them know what you loved! And didn’t love about shopping with us! And we’ll do our best to keep getting better, so we can continue delivering excellence from the smallest side table to the biggest bookcase.

Top Tip From the Team

One final tip from the delivery team, when opening any piece of furniture, always open from the bottom! Most of us will get some scissors or a kitchen knife and get overexcited opening the box! Open the bottom, unfold the protective paper and cushioning, and slowly roll the items out! It’s quick, clean and there’re no tears from awkwardly stabbing your beautiful sideboard!

Delivering Excellence

We look forward to knocking on your door with your new furniture! We'll be delivering up until the 23rd, because on the 24th, one of our Team has a slightly different job...

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Delivering up till Christmas
The Best Delivery Man of All...